Aqualyx treatment is developed to treat local fat deposits effectively and safely and suitable to target fatty deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. We can simply, quickly and permanently get rid of the stubborn fat pads we have been struggling with for years, in many cases with no success.

It is used to reduce resistant fat deposit effectively in different areas such as:

- Abdominal and hip fat deposits
- Waist
- Fat deposits around the knees
- Outer and inner thighs
Aqualyx is a micro-gelatin solution and its main component is also present in the human body in the form of bile acid. This is the so called Desoxychol-acid which has a fat-depleting effect proven by a sufficient number of clinical studies. It is safe to use, only targets excess fat cells and does not damage healthy cells.
The Desoxychol-acid breaks down the fat cell wall, so the fatty acid gets released that was stored within. This released fatty liquid gets removed by the lymphatic system through the venous system, it is then processed in the same way as fatty foods are digested.
After disinfecting the skin properly a local numbing cream is applied.
The active ingredient is delivered with a thin and resilient needle, which is properly distributed over the target area. This way we only need a few puncture points in the given region. The result will be visible within 6-8 weeks.
Contraindications: pregnancy, breast-feeding, age below 21 years and above 60 years, lipodystrophy and any underlying disease. Lidocaine is added to the injection, so if you are allergic to lidocaine, please tell your doctor first.
It will take 20-30 minutes for each area to be injected.
The treated area should not be massaged for 5 days and no other body treatments such as radiofrequency treatment or cryotherapy are recommended. Increased fluid intake is recommended to support the body's selection processes. Paracetamol can be applied, but avoid anticoagulant products before and after treatment. Ex .: aspirin.
Avoid extreme heat effects (sauna, solarium, sunbathing) and activities involve sweating, such as exercising, leaning and lifting heavy objects. Also avoid the use of different cosmetic products (except recommended by the treating doctor), makeup and facials.